Has Above the Waist been evaluated?

Above the Waist has not undergone a formal evaluation. However, the essence of the curriculum is based on the 30 year success of the evidence-based Childrens Aid Society - Carrera Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program.  Additionally, during the curriculum development process:

  • Key activities from the first draft were field tested with 7th and 8th grade students at Thomasville Middle School in Thomasville, North Caroline and with 8th grade students at Bronx College Preparatory Charter School in Bronx, New York. The verbal and written feedback from these field tests was applied to adjust content and engagement strategies to better fit the developmental ages and stages of the intended audiences.
  • A group of diverse experts in the field to reviewed the first draft and provided rich feedback.
  • A team of high level CAS - Carrera staff memebers reviewed final drafts and provided additional feedback upon which the final product was based.